Teaching Health Today: 10 Questions About Narcan
Narcan goes over-the counter, helping boys feel more connected, and taking a fresh look at the health effects of alcohol
Curriculum and Resources
10 Questions About Narcan
The F.D.A.’s decision to allow the overdose-reversing nasal spray to be sold over the counter means it will become much more widely available. Here is some guidance for using it correctly.
Boys And Body Image
Research suggests that adolescents wish their parents addressed issues pertaining to body image and weight in a more compassionate and respectful manner. They indicate that when parents discuss these issues they tend to feel embarrassed, insecure, and even hurt by what are likely well-intentioned conversations.
In this Psychology Today article, Charlotte Markey shares specific suggestions for how adults can protect boys from these pressures and encourage the development of a positive body image, and gets some tips from
‘s Jennifer L.W. Fink.Wellness
Redefining Masculinity & Embracing Vulnerability
In this video, The Daily Show's Roy Wood Jr. sits down with Ted Bunch, the co-founder of A Call to Men, and Niobe Way, a developmental psychology professor at NYU, to chat about how boy’s friendships evolve as they get older, the additional cultural pressures that Black and Brown men face, what men can do to prioritize their mental health, and how therapy could be transformative for a lot of men.
Opportunities and Connections
Have You Considered Writing a MicroBlog Post?
May is MicroBlogMonth on SlowChatHealth.com. A microblog is a bite-sized blog post - around 500 words - that’s easy and fun to write.
You're invited to share an idea, an activity that worked for you, breathe life into old content, promote something you're working on, or just get something off of your chest. Take your time to put your post together, and once it is completed, send it to Andrew Milne at milnea@nths.net.
What Do YOU Think of the New National Health Ed Standards?
Join Shape America for a virtual National Health Education Standards town hall on April 17th at 11 AM PT. Register now for this online event, where you'll hear more about the revision process from members of the NHES Task Force.
Even if you can't make it to the town hall, you can still review the proposed standards and share your thoughts via this survey.
San Francisco Unified Is Looking for Great Health Teachers
We have multiple openings for Health Education teachers in San Francisco public schools for next year. Please spread the word, and encourage anyone who wants to know more to email Christopher Pepper at pepperc@sfusd.edu and/or apply directly at tinyurl.com/TeachHealthSF.
Keep On Learning
How to Find News You Can Trust
How can we determine whether sources are credible? The News Literacy Project is offering a free webinar series to help you successfully navigate the crowded and rapidly changing information landscape.
April 12, 19 and 26 | 4 p.m. ET / 1 p.m. PT.
Register once to access all three sessions
Moderate Drinking Has No Health Benefits, Analysis of Decades of Research Finds (New York Times)
For decades, scientific studies suggested moderate drinking was better for most people’s health than not drinking at all, and could even help them live longer.
A new analysis of more than 40 years of research has concluded that many of those studies were flawed and that the opposite is true. READ MORE
Recovery high schools help kids heal from an addiction and build a future (NPR)
A classmate said she started doing drugs for fun and then got hooked. Another student said his addiction negatively impacts his mental health. A third announced an upcoming milestone.
"In, like, two days, I'll be six months sober," she said, as her classmates cheered.
The students attend Colorado's only recovery high school — one of 43 nationwide. These schools are designed for students who are recovering from substance use disorder and might also be dealing with related mental health disorders. READ MORE
Quinta Brunson Shows Love To Teachers In Sweet 'SNL' Monologue (Huffington Post)
Quinta Brunson made her childhood dream come true as she implored viewers to “remember how important teachers are” during her Saturday Night Live monologue.
The “Abbott Elementary” creator, in her first time hosting the show, revealed that she once wanted to be a “Saturday Night Live” cast member and joked that she took the “easier” route of making an Emmy-winning comedy.
“Please, remember how important teachers are, acknowledge the work they do every day and, for the love of God, pay them the money they deserve,” Brunson later declared. READ MORE
This is my favorite newsletter style newsletter ever - I just found every single one of these things useful and I'm not even blowing smoke lol - I put the alcohol study results on my FB page yesterday. There is no subject that divides friendships more than talking about how booze is terrible for your health. I've learned not to talk about it in person, just randomly place that stuff online. Or, of course, if someone asks. The Mother Jones article a few years ago about breast cancer and alcohol consumption really opened my eyes to the problems with "sober vs drinker" studies (most notably, that a large percentage of sober people don't drink because of former addiction struggles, which correlates with all sorts of health issues - or they're part of a relatively segregated religious group like Mormons so they aren't diverse enough to really represent populations).